Feco Hamburger

Agnaldo Farias, 2016

Agnaldo  Farias Mapas Cartas Guias e Portulanos, Perfil Cultural, Brasil, 2016

Maps, Charts, Guides e Portolanos

The space-time limits of our perception, condemned to that which can be grasped by the eyes and ears confined within a circular horizon and rooted in the present, generate as a reaction the production of maps and models of all kinds. Nothing more than the expression of an atavistic desire to control things, whether they be aerial, territorial, geographic, political, biological bodies; the impulse spills over and across the body of the world, insofar as it is visible and invisible, and goes far beyond it. Describing or simply naming something implies a form even if it has no seizable substance. One does not map only that which one sees, but maps to see better. As Paul Valéry explains in his essay on Degas, “there is an immense difference between seeing something without a pencil in hand, and seeing it while drawing it.”

ALMA – Mediated Experience, was conceived from Atacama Large Millimeter and sub-millimeter Array – ALMA, the world’s largest land telescope, formed by 50 antennae located at an altitude of 5,000 metres, in Chile. Feco Hamburger collected the images on the actual project site and, in each one, intervened with numbers, equations and diagrams, in accordance with the modality of visual information produced by the telescope. The artist looks within and without the gigantic device, while it looks at the universe.

in Mapas Cartas Guias e Portulanos, Perfil Cultural, Brazil, 2016

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